Taking a Short Break…

It seems like every day I see at least five new things coming from Trump or his administration that are so completely unprecedented both in their utter stupidity and in their capacity for damage to the American way of life, that I can no longer watch. I can’t watch while this petulant toddler continues to dismantle, piece by piece, what was once the greatest nation on this planet. And even worse and can’t watch all of the apologists and enablers who have signed on to blindly follow this idiot. I no longer recognize my own country, and I find that deeply disturbing. So…
I think it’s time for a media break, for the benefit of my own mental health. If you’re going to destroy the country I love, I’d rather not watch. And if you idiots are going to blow up the planet, I’d probably rather not see it coming anyway. So, I’m going to try a media blackout for the rest of February. We’ll see how I feel after that. I may tweet something from time to time, but that’s about it. I will not be reading or responding to much of anything. If you need to reach me, I’ll still respond to PM’s. And there’s always ancient tech like phone, text, and email.
One last thing, if anyone hears a date announced for the Science March on Washington, let me know. I like science, and I like Washington, so a march might be just the thing.
Take care. Thank you all for your support. See ya in the funny papers…